I dont like this hotel they keep putting things into me !!
My daily workout - wrestling with Hippoboy and yes that is my foot they stuck a needle into !!!
Hey everyone - look what they have done to my other hand
Feeling much better thanks !!
So who changed the plans? Obviously a higher power decided that we weren’t supposed to carry on with our holiday to the Drakensberg…….we were supposed to go to the Central Berg for 4 nights, but Natalia had different plans install for us.
After leaving PE we spent a night at a game farm near the Addo Elephant Park. Natalia woke up last Friday morning with a temperature of 38.2 deg. Immediately I was worried as I don’t believe there are any good hospitals in Umtata if the need arose. We went to a GP in King Williams Town and she gave us over the counter medication to give her, saying that it was nothing serious. We monitored her the whole time and once again on the Saturday morning her temperature was up. We were on our way to Uvongo now to spend 2 nights with my Mom and a friend of hers. Saturday was also Kim’s birthday so we went out for a quick dinner but Natalia temperature was still 38 deg. so we watched her like a hawk. She had a very restless night and finally fell asleep at 1.30 in the morning……..
Sunday morning, Valentines Day, at 4.30 Kim measured her temperature at 39.9 deg. We were out of there like a shot, and to the nearest hospital in Margate, luckily 5kms up the road. She was immediately admitted – and so our holiday took a different turn…..
Natalia is still in hospital and is expected to be discharged tomorrow. It was difficult to diagnose her at first. Her blood results revealed that her infection count was 138, where it should be under 5. None of the intravenous antibiotics she was given were working. A 2nd blood result indicated that her infection count had risen to 178 on Tuesday and she was finally given an ultra strong antibiotic drip which did the trick. She had pneumonia, bladder and kidney infections, ear nose and throat infections and tonsillitis! Just about her whole body is an infection. Finally on Thursday, the 3rd blood count result was better with a count of 45. We think she acquired the Super Virus Bug when we took her to UNITAS when Harlan was born. Although she didn’t go into the ward, she did go into the hospital. Super Bugs bread in hospitals……
So now Natalia is just finishing her course of intravenous antibiotics and we will be on our way home!! I’m sad we didn’t get to the Drakensberg, but we were not meant to go… Someone up there had different plans for us and we are thankful that our little girl is okay. We will be seeing the Drakensberg in April again.
Thanks to everyone for the prayers and well wishes….
Regards, The Pomario Family